I started a new book this week called the Divine Dance by Richard Rohr. I've loved his writing since I first discovered his book Breathing Underwater which uses the AA's 12 steps and applies it to Christian living. My heart rejoices as I read the words on the page and I'm trying to wrap my head around the mystery of Trinity. 

Composed as God for us, God with us and God the life force that animates everything. The light in me honors and recognizes the light in you. 

The mystery of the Trinity invites a creative collaboration with everything it comes into contact with... the earth, the air, animals and us. 

Looking up we can see that there is so much to be hopeful for. But yet there is so much to be done. I've been reading as much as I can about President Trump's cabinet and the way things are going. 

I don't like President Trump because he isn't a kind person. When he uses the pulpit to bully or shame others it's unfair. We must stand up against that behavior.



